Boston Globe, Are there Oscar contenders in the Glovebox?
Boston Globe, Indie Spirit in Woods Hole
Boston Globe, Globe West Best Bets
Iowa City Press Citizen, Inspired by Ancestors
Seven Days, Canaries in a Cinematic Coal Mine
Daily Iowan, Mining Cinema
The Commons, Driven to Tell Stories
WBUR Boston NPR®, Best of the Independent Film Fest
Iowa Alumni Magazine, The Future of Film
Iowa Now, Making a Scene Downtown
Brattleboro Reformer, Home is Where the Art Is
NewtonTAB, NewTV Producer Confronts Grief
Imagine Magazine, Make the Wake
2008 Boston Globe, Make Your Own TV Show
Black Canaries - Poster
Black Canaries - Press Stills
Lomax - Poster
Lomax - Press Stills
The Murder Ballad of James Jones - Poster
The Murder Ballad of James Jones - Press Stills